The Promotion Model and the Challenges of Innovative Service Initiative—The Optimization of Financial Industry
摘要: 近年来网路应用蓬勃发展,运用科技手段,创造服务加值,已是必然趋势,特別是金融产业倚赖云计算相关科技以实现“金融 3.0”之服务模式与理念甚深。本文以质性研究方式,探讨以科技为手段之创新服务,透过外部环境影响及内部作为双轴分析,点出在价值链推动上所面临之种种挑战,并提出一套具体可行之创新服务推动框架,尝试回应如何协助金融公共服务提供者达成产业升级之目标。
Abstract: Applying the emerging Internet technologies to create business value has become an inevitable trend in recent years. Especially the realization of the concept and the service model about the “Finance 3.0” are built on the cornerstones of such technologies. This paper applied the qualitative approach, exploring the key success factors against these technological-driven and innovative services by presenting the two-axis analysis including the external impact and the internal capa-bility scans. It also presents an innovative service promotion framework for the finance public service organization and helps their business partners to grow and to optimize the competitiveness of the overall sector.
文章引用:李智. 创新服务推动模式与挑战—金融产业优化[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2015, 4(6): 37-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2015.46007


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