Introduction and Comparation of Curriculum Settings at Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2015.56031, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,373  浏览: 7,525  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 彭靖园, 刘玉, 谢思静, 孙卫斌*:南京市口腔医院,南京大学医学院附属口腔医院,江苏 南京
关键词: PBL教学模式口腔医学教育研究生教育PBL Teaching Mode Stomatological Education Postgraduate Education
摘要: 本文详细介绍了香港大学的口腔本科以及研究生教育的特色及优势:包括本科课程采取以问题为导向的学习模式(Problem-based learning, PBL)以及研究生教育采取授课型学位(Taught Postgraduate Programmes)和科研型学位(Research Postgraduate Programmes)两大类型。通过与港大教学逐一比较,本文总结了南京大学口腔医学教育的优势以及存在的不足之处,思考并提出口腔医学教育的改革措施,以期培养高素质的口腔医学专业人才。
Abstract: In order to come up with internationally stomatological education, details of curriculum settings at Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) were introduced. Undergraduate education at HKU is conducted by Problem-based learning (PBL) model. Postgraduate education at HKU is divided into Taught Postgraduate Programmes and Research Postgraduate Programmes. Nanjing Stomatological Hospital has absorbed these teaching characteristics and overcome excisting problems. Innovation of stomatological education will benefit dental training for highly qualified personnel.
文章引用:彭靖园, 刘玉, 谢思静, 孙卫斌. 香港大学牙学院教学课程介绍及对比[J]. 教育进展, 2015, 5(6): 194-199.


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