The Legal Analysis of Trade Disputes between Mainland and Taiwan
DOI: 10.12677/DS.2015.14010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,954  浏览: 4,773 
作者: 柴松霞:天津财经大学法学院,天津
关键词: 两岸贸易争端法理基础Mainland and Taiwan Trade Disputes Legal Basis
摘要: 随着海峡两岸交往的频繁,经贸关系在获得长足发展的同时,贸易摩擦和争端也日益增多。建立两岸贸易争端解决机制,有其宪法和国际法的基础,尤其中国大陆和台湾同属大陆法系,又都传承了中华法系的精神,文化同根同源,在这深层次基础上,借助“两会”的平台,加强交流与磋商,重视民间规则等“软法”的作用,明确涉台民商事审判的工作思路,是可以尽快建立贸易争端解决机制的。
Abstract: With the frequent contacts between Mainland and Taiwan, trade relationship has got substantial development. Meanwhile, trade frictions and disputes increased. To solve the problems, China needs to improve constitutional and international law basis. After all, Mainland and Taiwan both belong to civil law system, especially they both inherit Chinese law sprits. Since Mainland and Taiwan are in the same cultural root homology, enhancing exchanges and consultation through the ARATS and SEF, paying more attention to the roles of “soft law”, such as folk rules and so on, and making the thinking of work clear in civil and commercial adjudications, can be possible to establish a dispute settlement.
文章引用:柴松霞. 海峡两岸贸易争端解决机制的法理基础探析[J]. 争议解决, 2015, 1(4): 47-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/DS.2015.14010