How to Develop a New Index to Measure the Difficulty Degree of Mental Paper-Folding
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.63037, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,123  浏览: 3,399 
作者: 孙 伟, 冯成志:苏州大学心理学系,江苏 苏州
关键词: 视觉空间能力心理折纸任务行列距离Visual Spatial Ability Mental Paper-Folding Test Row and Column’s Distance
摘要: 视觉空间能力能够较好的预测学业能力水平,甚至有的研究者提出,视觉空间能力是智力的一项独立的组成成分。而心理折纸任务作为衡量视觉空间能力的一种重要指标,在以往关于视觉空间能力的研究中却较少被使用。本研究旨在通过探求一种新的难度衡量指标——行列距离,用以衡量心理折纸任务的难易程度,从而筛选出有效的刺激材料,对心理折纸任务范式进行标准化。在本研究中,选取14名被试完成一系列心理折纸任务,并将折纸任务按照新旧两种难度衡量指标划分归类,最后比较在每一种分类中,个体的反应成绩的差异结果以及两种分类指标与反应成绩之间的相关关系。结果发现,采用行列距离作为衡量折纸任务难度的指标时,首先可以有效地减少心理折纸任务难度的划分层级。其次,被试在该指标所划分出的不同难度等级的心理折纸任务中的反应成绩差异显著。因此,本研究所采用的行列距离指标可以作为衡量心理折纸任务难度的重要指标,从而应用于心理折纸任务的刺激筛选与标准化以及其他应用研究中。
Abstract: There is strong evidence linking spatial ability to academic achievement, and some researchers suggested that spatial ability is an independent component of intelligence. However a test of spatial ability paper-folding has seen relatively little study. In research we use a computational model to explore a new index to measure the degree of paper-folding test’s difficulty. We use Row and Column’s Distance to measure the difficulty of paper-folding test. In this study, we selected 14 subjects to finish a series of mental paper-folding tests, then compared the results of two different difficulty classifications tasks, finally we found when using Row and Column’s Distance as a mea-surement, we can reduce the difficulty levels of paper-folding test, and this index can effectively distinguish different difficulty levels. Therefore, the Row and Column’s Distance is an effectiveness index to distinguish the difficulty of paper-folding test and this index is better than the previous one. In future studies, we can use this index to filter stimulate of the mental paper-folding test and standardize this kind of task.
文章引用:孙伟, 冯成志 (2016). 心理折纸任务的难度衡量标准的建立. 心理学进展, 6(3), 281-289. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.63037


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