The Idea and Innovation of Digitized Public Participation
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.52048, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,950  浏览: 2,867 
作者: 纪媛媛*:安徽师范大学法学院,安徽 芜湖
关键词: 公众参与数字化公众参与理念创新Public Participation Digitized Public Participation Idea Innovation
摘要: 数字化公众参与是营造民主型政府的重要手段,已成为当前公众参与的主要方式之一。然而当前我国数字化公众参与存在参与程度不高、参与实效偏差的问题,亟需从理念上进行创新。本文通过对国内外数字化公众参与的案例研究,认为政府应当通过加强宣传教育、优化用户体验、落实办理成效等方式,使得公众参与互动、享受互动并受益于互动。
Abstract: Digitized Public Participation is an important means to build democratic governments and be-coming a major way of public participation currently. However, there exist some problems such as low degree and inferior quality of Digitized Public Participation in China. So much more innovative ideas are urgently needed to solve the problems. Through researching on cases of Digitized Public Participation at home and abroad, this paper considers that governments should make citizens participate in interaction, enjoy interaction and benefit from interaction by ways of strengthening publicity and education, optimizing the user experience and implementing the effectiveness of management.
文章引用:纪媛媛. 数字化公众参与的理念与创新[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(2): 349-355. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.52048