论舆论主体对政府危机公关的影响—以8 • 12天津爆炸案为例
Influences of Subjects of Public Opinion on Government Crisis Management—Taking 8 • 12 Tianjin Blast as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.53066, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,708  浏览: 7,636  国家科技经费支持
作者: 王 菁, 吴健超:大连海事大学公共管理与人文学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 舆论主体政府公关危机管理Subjects of Public Opinion Government Public Relation Crisis Management
摘要: 自媒体时代,每个人都是信息发布终端。当今突发性事件的传播路径,可以归纳为由特定的无数个人首先发出信息,经过网络的放大效应形成初步舆论,新闻媒体跟进报道,相关部门启动应急措施,网民大量转发评论,引发社会民众热议。本文以8•12天津爆炸案为例,试图通过主体辨析法,剖析在突发性事件尤其是灾难性事件中,不同舆论主体的诉求以及政府在公共危机管理中的应对策略,并对政府危机公关能力的改善提出三点建议。本文旨在厘清不同舆论主体的需求,以此为重点以提升政府危机公关能力,有针对性地对不同主体予以回应,从而提升政府在危机事件中的公信力。
Abstract: In the We-media era, everyone can release information as an information terminal. The propagation path of the current emergencies is that special numerous individuals release information at the beginning, which forms a preliminary opinion after the network amplification effect. As a result, it will eventually cause social public debates after the new media follows the news, relevant departments take the emergency measures, and netizens forward lots of comments. Taking the 8•12 Tianjin Blast in China as an example, this article attempts to analyze the demands of different public opinions and the coping strategies of government in the field of public crisis management through the method of subject discrimination in the situation of emergencies, especially in the catastrophic events, and puts forward three proposals to improve the ability of the government in public relation crisis. This paper aims to clarify the needs of different subjects of public opinions, in order to enhance the ability of government in public relation crisis and give targeted responses to different subjects, and then enhance the credibility of the government in the event of crisis.
文章引用:王菁, 吴健超. 论舆论主体对政府危机公关的影响—以8 • 12天津爆炸案为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(3): 472-479. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.53066


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