Fixed Exchange Rate Regime or Floating Exchange Rate Regime?
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2016.53007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,774  浏览: 5,923 
作者: 潘红宇:对外经济贸易大学,北京
关键词: 汇率制度固定汇率制度浮动汇率制度Exchange Rate Regime Fixed Exchange Rate Regime Floating Exchange Rate Regime
摘要: 论文介绍了IMF对汇率制度的分类,然后从可信度、平稳性、灵活性、货币政策独立性、金融危机等五个方面比较汇率制度的两极:固定汇率制度和浮动汇率制度的优点和缺点。我们发现没有一种汇率制度在所有时期适合所有国家,汇率制度的选择依赖于一国的具体条件。
Abstract: In this paper, after introduce the classification of exchange rate regime by IMF, I compare the pros and cons of the two bipolar regimes: Fixed exchange rate regime and floating exchange rate regime in the aspect of reliability, stability, flexibility, monetary policy independent and financial crisis. The conclusion of the analysis is that no single exchange rate regime is right for all countries or at all times. The choice of appropriate exchange rate regime depends on the country’s specific circumstances.
文章引用:潘红宇. 固定汇率制度还是浮动汇率制度?[J]. 世界经济探索, 2016, 5(3): 49-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WER.2016.53007


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