Study on Value Function of the Projects in Art and Culture Workers
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.54095, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,593  浏览: 5,283 
作者: 康雅菁:中国文化大学劳工关系学系,台湾 台北
关键词: 职能态度集群分析因素分析艺术文化人才Competency Attitude Cluster Analysis Factor Analysis Art and Culture Talents
摘要: 艺术文化人才在社会、经济及科技进展下非但并无式微,反有持续获得重视趋势。艺术文化人才的养成需要长期培养,内涵包含文化知识、工艺技能及美学价值精神等,其中知识、技能层面依据不同职业项目有所不同,惟养成仍有路径可供依循。价值层面的内涵虽多为共通,但其究竟内容及分类分别为何,本研究由职能基准角度,搜集台湾艺术文化人才之工作价值职能项目,共计24类人才及14项职能,透过因素分析方式加以分析,得到5项职能分类,期待作为后续人才养成与职能培育规划参考。
Abstract: Art and culture talents are important assets for nations to maintain, always not faded ever since the social, economic and technological progress. Developing art and culture workers needs a long- term program for training. The knowledge, skills and attitudes were differed from vocational jobs, such as jewelry designer, or wood craftsmen. This study aims to build up the attitudes map in the viewpoint of competency framework. We collected the attitude competencies from Competency-based project (iCAP) in Taiwan. A total of 24 vocational job titles and 14 items of attitude values were selected from the database. We adopted factor analysis to generate five factors. The follow-up researches are expected to develop for reference.
文章引用:康雅菁. 艺术文化属性工作价值职能项目研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(4): 684-689. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.54095


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