The Process and Mechanism Analysis of Public Reasoning—Take the Topic of “Campus Violence” in Zhihu as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.76067, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,493  浏览: 3,792 
作者: 王雪晴, 王军霞*:北京航空航天大学公共管理学院,北京
关键词: 非理性高质量回答用户影响力政策制定公共说理Irrational High-Quality Answer User Influence Policy Formulation Public Reasoning
摘要: 随着网络平台的兴起和公民参与的不断深入,“网络暴力”现象逐渐显现并愈发严重,公众在网络平台上的非理性发言层出不穷。本文以知乎网络论坛的“校园暴力”话题为例,通过深入分析获得赞同数较多的问题回答,总结了高质量回答的特征。高质量回答的接受程度高进一步说明了高质量的回答可以更好地说服网络用户同意此观点。网络论坛应该发挥活跃用户的影响力和号召力,倡导公众进行理性思考和发言,营造良好的公共说理氛围。同时,在线下政策制定中,可以引导知名网络论坛支持率高的活跃用户参与到政策制定中,发挥这一群体的专业素养和说理示范作用。
Abstract: With the rise of the network platform and the gradual deepening of citizen participation, the phenomenon of “cyber violence” has gradually emerged and has become more serious. Meanwhile the public’s irrational statements on the network platform have been endless. This article takes the topic of “campus violence’ in Zhihu as an example, summarizes the characteristics of the high-quality answers through deep analysis of answers which obtain more approval. Answers with high-quality are more acceptable, which further explains that high-quality answers can better persuade Internet users to agree. BBS should exert the influence and appeal of active users, advo-cate rational thinking and speech, and create a good atmosphere of public reasoning. At the same time, in the development of offline policies, in order to fully play the active users’ professional li-teracy and demonstration role, this group in the popular network BBS can be guided to participate in the policy formulation.
文章引用:王雪晴, 王军霞. 公共说理的过程和机理分析—以知乎网络论坛“校园暴力”话题为例[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(6): 423-431. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.76067


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