Discharge Monitoring and Measuring Scheme with Consideration of Water Conservancy Projects
摘要: 水利工程的兴建、调度运作改变了河道水流、洪水特性,水库上下游水文测站水文特性发生很大变化,水位–流量关系发生很大变化,关系曲线复杂,各水文测站为控制好水位–流量关系变化,往往依靠加密流量监测频次,但仍然难以良好控制变化过程。汉江黄家港站处于丹江口水库与王甫洲水利工程影响河段之间,是受上下游水库影响的典型站。本文阐述及探讨了2011年黄家港水文站流量监测频次及测次时机布置,并分析。
Abstract: The construction and operation of the water conservancy projects has greatly changed the charac-teristics of the flow and the water way. The hydrologic characteristics of station located in the upper and down reservoir have also changed. The relationship curve between water level and discharge becomes more complex. The hydrological station often relies on increasing the frequency of survey in order to obtain the water level and discharge relationship. The Huangjiagang hydrologic station located between the Danjiang-kou and Wangfuzhou reservoirs is a typical case which has been affected by the downstream reservoir. The arrangement of flow monitoring frequency and measuring time at the Huangjiagang hydrologic station in 2011 are discussed and analyzed.
文章引用:李凯. 受水利工程影响的流量监测方案探讨[J]. 水资源研究, 2012, 1(5): 402-406. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2012.15063


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