Science and Engineering Colleges Should Pay Attention to the Cultivation of Extraverted Talents
摘要: 高等教育改革已成为近十年来高等教育界和社会关注的热门话题。由于外向型和内向型性格特征与其生长的环境密不可分,从普通高等理工科学生的培养历程出发,详细分析了每个学年阶段学生常见的心理变化状况、性格特征以及引起性格变化的原因。目前,高等理工科院校教师容易忽视学生的性格培养,任其性格自由发展的结果便是走入越来越内向的恶性循环。然后提出了培养外向型人才的必要性,即为了培养综合素质高、社会适应能力强的毕业生。最后,讨论了外向型人才的具体培养方法,强调了教师在培养过程中应树立的思想观念和发挥的引导作用。笔者提出的观点和方法,可供同行参考。
Abstract: Higher education reform has become the hot topic in higher education circles and society nearly 10 years. Extroverted and introverted personality traits are inseparable with the growth environment, so we analyzed detailedly the usual psychological change status, the usual personality traits and the reasons of causing personality changes in every schooling year. At present, the cultivation of personality is usually ignored by the teachers of science and engineering colleges, so the free development of personality for students would make them more and more introverted and put their into a vicious cycle. Then we put forward the necessity of the cultivation of extraverted talents, that is, the goal of education is to cultivate the graduates with higher comprehensive quality and strong social adaptation ability. At the end, we discussed the method to cultivate the extraverted talents and emphasized the guidance role and ideas of teacher in the cultivation. The viewpoints and methods put forward by us can give the references for other teachers and readers.
文章引用:聂仁仕, 范翔宇. 高等理工科院校应注重培养外向型人才[J]. 教育进展, 2012, 2(2): 24-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2012.22005


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