The Microanalysis of the Economic Value of College Graduates’ Ambition Capital
摘要: 在调查问卷搜集所得数据的基础上,本文意图通过描述性统计分析和Logit模型定量研究抱负资本的积累效应对大学毕业生人力资本经济价值的影响,着重分析抱负资本与大学毕业生获取高收入可能性之间的量化关系。本文研究的结果表明,在其他条件相似的情况下,大学生抱负资本积累程度的不同会直接影响到其实现未来价值的可能性和获得高收入的概率。
Abstract: Based on the data collecting by questionnaires, this paper intends to analyze the accumulation effect of ambition capital on the economic value of college graduates’ human capital through descriptive analyses and quantitative econometric method—the Logit model. And this paper particularly focuses on the quantitative relationship between a college graduate’s ambition capital and the likelihood he could get a higher than average salary. Under similar conditions, this paper proves that the different levels of accumulation in ambition capital will directly affect a college graduate’s likelihood to achieve his future value and the possibility he could gain a higher than average salary.
文章引用:倪雪川. 大学毕业生抱负资本经济价值的微观计量分析[J]. 金融, 2011, 1(1): 21-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/fin.2011.11005


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