The Explicit-Implicit Interaction Theory and Its Explanation to Arguments on Insight
摘要: 顿悟涉及五个主要成分(视觉输入的抑制、启发信息的激活、心理定势的破除、新异连接的形成以及啊哈体验)。总结了近年来顿悟研究中存在的三大争论(顿悟是一般化还是特殊化的过程?是外显的搜索还是内隐的激活?是依赖左脑还是依赖右脑?),外显内隐交互理论(EII)包括了八个原则以及一个计算模型,该理论可能对三个争论作出了合理的解释。
Abstract: It is summarized that there are mainly five parts of insight involving inhibition of visual input heuristic information activation breaking of the mental set forming of novel associations and aha experience. Three arguments are discussed(Is insight general or special? Is insight conscious exploring or unconscious activation? Does insight depend on the left or right hemisphere?). A new Explicit-implicit interaction theory has been introduced, including eight principles and one computational modeling, which can offer reasonable ex-planations for the three arguments.
文章引用:邢强, 张忠炉 (2011). 外显内隐交互理论及对顿悟研究争论的解释. 心理学进展, 1(1), 19-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2011.11004
