An Comparative Analysis on the Social Welfare Systems of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War
摘要: 本文运用“自我肯定需求”和“认知膜”等新概念,对冷战时期美苏社会福利制度进行了比较研究。通过分析福利制度对社会凝聚力和社会核心价值观的影响,我们认为美国的福利制度优于苏联,这也是冷战最后由美国获得胜利的原因之一。社会福利制度是社会财富流动的重要一环,对社会核心价值观的维护和经济发展都具有重要意义。有鉴于此,我们进一步阐述了建立全民性的社会保障个人账户的概念内涵、主要特征和重要意义。
Abstract: Social welfare systems of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War are studied by introducing concept of self-assertiveness demands and cognitive membrane. The welfare system of the United States is in a better position than that of the Soviet Union by comparing their impacts on the social cohesion and core values, which makes it a reason United States won the Cold War. Social welfare system is an important link of social wealth flow. On this account, we further elaborate the concept, main characters and the importance of universal social security personal accounts.
文章引用:余雪松, 吴钰茜, 吴怡萍, 蔡恒进. 冷战时期美苏社会福利制度的比较分析[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2013, 3(1): 7-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2013.31002


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