Rasch Validation of the Inclusive Curriculum-Based SCALE Instrument in Hong Kong
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2013.32009, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,749  浏览: 10,825  科研立项经费支持
作者: 曾君兰:香港教育学院特殊教育与辅导学系,香港;谢宗义:香港大学属下融合与特殊教育研究发展中心,香港;李启明:香港教育学院研究生院,香港
关键词: 课程本位评量智障学生等级量尺分析 Curriculum-Based Assessment; Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities; Rasch Analysis


Abstract: Background: Past research has reflected the needs to develop measures in the area of assessment, curriculum and teaching strategies for pupils with special educational needs. The SCALE, an assessment instrument to align assessment with the central curriculum for pupils with intellectual disabilities was developed by a team of teacher leaders from nine special schools in Hong Kong. Aim: The objectives of this study are to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of the SCALE attainment scales for each strand in four key learning areas (KLA) of the central curriculum of Hong Kong using Rasch analysis. Method: The SCALE data was calibrated using the Rasch measurement model. By calculating the probability of a response by right or wrong answers in terms of a logistic function of the difference between the ability of the person taking the test, Rasch analyses on the assessment data were carried out in the form of model fit statistics, point-measure correlation coefficient, person / item reliability and principal component factor analysis on dimensionality. Results: The Rasch statistics indicate that SCALE possesses a high degree of validity and reliability. It can classify pupils into at least 13 levels of abilities, and that the range of item difficulty is capable of stratifying pupils’ abilities into at least 8 to 11 attainment levels. The result also supports the uni-dimensionality of the SCALE. That is, SCALE solely measures the attainment levels of the pupils but not other aspects of their learning. Conclusion: The use and the impact of SCALE in providing evidenced-based outcome data to document progress of pupils across their years in education, and, to inform school-based curriculum planning are further discussed.
文章引用:曾君兰, 谢宗义, 李启明. 以全纳课程为本的香港融通学习成效量表(SCALE)之等级量尺分析检视[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(2): 41-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2013.32009


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