Research on Automatic Acquisition of the Back of Tongue in Sublingual Veins Diagnosis
DOI: 10.12677/csa.2011.11004, PDF,  被引量 下载: 3,216  浏览: 8,416  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 张纬博, 王博亮, 谢杰镇:厦门大学计算机科学系
关键词: 舌背区域形态学标记水域分割彩色分量
The Back of Tongue; Morphology Marker; Watershed Segmentation; Color Components
摘要: 舌背区域自动撷取算法是为了获得舌下络脉特征所在的焦点区域,对于舌下络脉诊断自动的实现具有重要的意义。采用基于形态学标记的水域分割算法大致确定了舌背所在区域,藉由分析舌背和剩余的背景彩色分量的差异性进行后处理。实验结果表明,该算法所撷取的舌背区域效果良好,健壮性好。此结果为实现后续舌下络脉特征分析奠定了基础。
Abstract: The automatic acquisition of tongue back is important to sublingual veins diagnosis. Using watershed segmentation algorithm based on morphology marker can largely locate the area including the back of tongue. By analyzing color components difference between the back of tongue and rest background can finally extract the back of tongue. Experimental results show that the algorithm works well, good robustness. The results lay the good foundation for follow-up features analysis of sublingual veins.
文章引用:张纬博, 王博亮, 谢杰镇. 舌下络脉诊断中舌背区域自动撷取算法的研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2011, 1(1): 17-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/csa.2011.11004
