Discussion of the Jue Yin Disease in Shanghan Lun
摘要: 刘绍武先生通过对《伤寒论》厥阴病篇条文的研究,提出《伤寒论》第326条不能作为厥阴病的提纲条文,其所论述的证候均属于消化系统里部病候。认为厥阴病的提纲应为:“厥阴之为病,手足逆冷、脉细、恶寒、肢节痹痛。”厥阴病属于表部的阴性病,当以当归四逆汤治疗。
Abstract: After study the Jue Yin disease on the Shanghan Lun, Shaowu Liu proposed that Article 326 can’t synopsis as Jue Yin disease. It discussed syndromes all belongs to the digestive system in the department. He believes Jue Yin disease synopsis should be: “Jue Yin is a disease, cold symptoms as deep cold sensation of the limbs, weak pulse, aversion to cold, limb arthralgia.” Jue Yin disease is a external yin disease, which should be treated by using Danggui Sini Tang.
文章引用:燕茹, 马文辉. 试论《伤寒论》之厥阴病[J]. 中医学, 2013, 2(2): 20-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2013.22005


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