An Investigation and Analysis on the Medical Ethics Personality Traits in 439 Medical Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.33019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,988  浏览: 6,327  科研立项经费支持
作者: 江陆平*:甘肃中医学院社会科学部
关键词: 医学生医德人格人格特质医德教育Medical Students; Medical Ethics Personality; Personality Traits; Medical Ethics Education
摘要: 目的:了解医学生医德人格现状,为高等医学院校医德教育工作提供参考。方法:以某医学院校医学生为例,采用大五人格量表(NEO-PI-R)和自编医德人格倾向问卷对医学生人格特质和医德人格倾向进行调查,然后分析两者存在的关系,预测影响医德人格倾向的医德人格特质,并提出改善医学生医德人格教育的建议。结果:1) 顺同性、严谨性、温存、责任心、信任、热情、利他等特质是构成医学生人格的要素特质;2) 医德认识、医德情感、医德意志、医德信念与医德行为是构成医德人格的主要因素;3) 除医德认识与开放性、医德信念与神经质外,其余医德人格倾向因子与人格特质因子之间存在显著相关(p < .01)4) 严谨性、利他性、热情性、冲动性、抑郁、事业心、价值与情感等人格特质可以有效预测医学生医德人格倾向(p < .01)结论:高校医德教育工作要以医德人格培养为主要目标,通过培养仁爱、严谨、谦虚、坦诚、廉洁的优秀人格品质,以及加大教学研究与改革的力度,才能引导医学生形成献身于医学事业的稳固的心理特质和良好的行为习惯。
Abstract: Objective: To find out the medical ethics personality tendency among medical students, and provide reference for consummation medical ethics education. Methods: The study is based on a survey of 439 medical students in Gansu, who are assessed with the NEO-PI-R and the medical ethics personality questionnaire which is compiled, the significant difference and the related factors are analyzed. Results: It is agreeableness, conscientious, tender-mindedness, dutifulness, trust, warmth, and altruism that constitute the main factors of the personality traits. Ethic cognition, emotions, will, faith, and behaviour are the main factors of the medical ethics personality. In addition to medical ethics cognition and openness, medical ethics faith and neuroticism, the score of medical students in personality traits and medical ethics personality have significant difference (p < .01). Conscientiousness, altruism, warmth, impulsiveness, depression, achievement striving, values and feelings, these factors can predict the medical ethics personality tendency of medical students (p < .01). Conclusion: The major goal of ethics education is to cultivate the medical ethics personality in medical colleges and universities, we should guide the formation of medical students to dedicate to the cause of medical solid psychological traits and good behavior habits, by the cultivation of medical students’ kindheartedness, rigorous, modest, honest, honest good personality quality, and the increase of the teaching research and reform.
文章引用:江陆平 (2013). 对439名医学生医德人格特质的调查与分析. 心理学进展, 3(3), 120-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.33019


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