The Order Parameter of Glass Transition and Instantaneous Spin Systems with De Gennes n = 0
摘要: 在大分子的自避无规行走中,链粒子的每一步行走都伴有自旋分量数为零的瞬时自旋体系,它提供粒子合作移动所需的额外能量、体积和松弛时间。利用这些附加的瞬时自旋体系,不仅直接导出了玻璃化转变和大分子熔体蛇行模型中共同的布朗运动模式,证明了缠结分子量的长度对应与流体力学中的雷诺数;而且还证明了缠结链的本征扩散离域模式,从冻结的玻璃态到熔融液态,都是横向似涟漪波的链尺度定向孤立波。它就是玻璃化转变的序参量。分量数为零的瞬时自旋体系的存在,不仅可统一现有的各种玻璃化转变理论,而且也为湍流的物理起源找到了新的理论。玻璃化转变作为一个范例,它是分子集团从无序到更无序直到湍流的所有“无规离域转变”中的第一层转变。 In macromolecular self-avoiding random walk, movement of each particle accompanies an instantaneous spin system with De Gennes n = 0 that provides extra energy, vacancy volume and relaxation time needed for particles co-movement. Using these additional spin systems not only directly yields the same Brownian motion mode in glass transition (GT) and reptation, but also proves that the entangled chain length corresponds to the Reynolds number in hydrodynamics and the diffusion mode of entangled chains, from frozen glass state to melt liquid state, is nanoscale size direction solitary wave with transverse ripplon-like softwave, that is the order parameter of GT. GT serves as an inspiration and continues to serve as the paradigm in the random delocalization transitions from disorder to more disorder until turbulence.
文章引用:吴嘉麟. 玻璃化转变的序参量和自旋分量数为零的瞬时自旋体系[J]. 凝聚态物理学进展, 2013, 2(2): 27-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CMP.2013.22006


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