Comment on Taiwan Industry Development Strategy—From Workmanship and Craftsmanship Cultivation Perspective


Abstract: In order to help Taiwan industrial development moving toward the design-centric value co-creation with culture ingredients, this paper recommends that putting the reviving of the cultural creative industries, to escalate the products and services more value-added, on the government economic initiatives with higher priority. To cultivate the workforces and to build the environment, interdisciplinary talents with the spirits of workmanship and craftsmanship, are the key to success of Taiwan industry optimization initiatives. This paper revisits the industrial development strategies of Taiwan, and identifies the key success factors of these initiatives. It suggests: 1) the current education system moving on mentoring to mitigate the gap between the students have learnt and the jobs require; 2) adopting the Open Innovation Model to encourage innovative ideas being brought out to the market sooner; and 3) applying the methodology of Enterprise Architecture to facilitate the collaboration among the value chain.

文章引用:李智. 台湾产业发展策略评析—从培养工艺与工匠精神谈起[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2013, 2(2): 33-39.


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