A Review of Swinging Research
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.34027, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 5,667  浏览: 17,983 
作者: 杜建政*:广州大学心理学系
关键词: 换偶另类生活方式Swinging; Alternative Lifestyles; Sex
摘要: 换偶通常是指已婚夫妻基于性目的而交换配偶。在20世纪60年代,伴随女权运动、性解放运动,换偶作为一种另类生活方式,在欧美国家已开始流行。在我国,近几年屡有换偶的新闻见诸媒体,并引发伦理和法律上的争论。本文主要介绍了心理学界对换偶群体的研究:换偶者的人口学特征和个性特征、参与换偶的原因、换偶的形式、换偶对婚姻的影响、以及换偶者的心理困扰等。
Abstract: This article deals with certain aspects of swinging research: the demographic and personality char- acteristics of swingers, reasons for swinging, methods of meeting swingers, types of swingers, effects on marriage, and dropping out of swinging. Numerous theories explaining this behavior have been presented, along with the current state of swinging and problems on swinging research. This article attempts to pull to- gether some of the fragments of research findings that relate to the process of becoming involved in swinging activities. Although many people in our society disapprove of this behavior and believe that swingers have unsatisfactory marriages, there is no evidence for such a claim.
文章引用:杜建政 (2013). 换偶研究述评. 心理学进展, 3(4), 167-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.34027


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