Analysis of Computer Network Security
摘要: 伴随着计算机网络的飞速扩展与大范围普及,一方面,它成为人们进行信息交流的基本工具,开放性、高效率和低成本是它的好处;而另一方面,人们也越来越多地感受到它会对我们的信息构成威胁。计算机网络安全成为一个长期的,综合的课题,它涉及面广:包含技术,设备,管理,策略和人为等多个方面。本文介绍计算机网络安全的概念,探讨相关技术,如:数据加密技术、系统安全技术、防火墙技术等,并针对性地探讨一些计算机网络的安全应用和应对。
Abstract: Accompanied the rapid expansion of computer networks with a wide range of popularity, on the one hand, it became the basic tools for people to exchange information. Openness, high efficiency and low cost are its benefits. On the other hand, more and more people feel it poses a threat to our information. Computer network security has become a long-term, comprehensive subject. It covers a wide range and various aspects: technology, equipment, management, strategy and man-made. This paper introduced the concept of computer network security and related techniques, such as: data encryption technology, system security technology, firewall technology, and specifically discussed the applications and responses to computer network security.
文章引用:周宏达. 浅析计算机网络安全[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2013, 3(4): 202-207. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2013.34035


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