The Different Allocation Models and Biological Diversity Analysis of Artificial Vegetation in the Damaged Forestland of Tin Mine
DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2013.23003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,289  浏览: 8,837  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李贵祥, 方向京, 邵金平, 柴 勇, 和丽萍, 张正海:云南省林业科学院,昆明;周文华:云南涌泉园林绿化工程有限公司,昆明
关键词: 锡矿山损毁林地植被恢复模式生物多样性 Tin Mine; Damaged Forestland; Vegetation Restoration Model; Biodiversity

在个旧锡矿山损毁林地上,选择具有典型代表性的人工恢复植被的不同配置模式,通过样地调查分析,提出了藏柏、火棘配置模式,加勒比松、头状四照花、藏柏配置模式,旱冬瓜、十大功劳配置模式,藏柏、清香木配置模式,藏柏、银荆配置模式,藏柏、北美红杉配置模式,旱冬瓜、麻栎、石楠配置模式,以及藏柏、旱冬瓜配置模式。各种配置模式林木生长状况存在一定的差异,总体上以藏柏生长最快。从不同配置模式来看,藏柏、清香木配置模式及藏柏、北美红杉配置模式物种多样性最好,物种多样性指数及均匀度指数均较高,反映出植被恢复效果较明显。 In the damaged forestland of Gejiu tin mine, some allocation models of typical representative artificial re- storing vegetation were selected, and through the sample investigation and analysis, the author proposed several kinds of allocation models: Tibetan cypress and Pyracantha; Pinus caribaea, Dendrobenthamia capitata and Tibetan cypress; Alnus nepalensis and Mahonia; Tibetan cypress and Pistacia weinmannifolia; Tibetan cypress and Silver wattle; Tibetan cypress and Sequoia sempervirens; Alnus nepalensis, Sawtooth oak and Calluna; Tibetan cypress and Alnus nepalensis. There existed some differences in forest growth status among these allocation models with the Tibetan cypress growing most rapidly on the whole. From the perspective of different allocation models, the species diversity of the allocation model of Tibetan cypress and Pistacia weinmannifolia and the allocation model of Tibetan cypress and Sequoia simper- virens shows the best, and their species diversity index and evenness index are higher, which could reflect the effect of vegetation restoration more obviously.

文章引用:李贵祥, 方向京, 邵金平, 柴勇, 和丽萍, 张正海, 周文华. 锡矿山损毁林地人工植被恢复模式及生物多样性分析[J]. 世界生态学, 2013, 2(3): 15-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/IJE.2013.23003


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