Cultural Erosion and Deterioration of Grasslands in Inner Mongolia——From the Perspective of Cultural Relativism to Look at the Ecological Problem in Grasslands of Inner Mongolia
摘要: 按照文化相对主义的理论,农耕文化和游牧文化不存在先进与落后之分,都有其存在的合理性。不顾自然条件和历史传统,采用文化霸权主义和文化殖民主义的方法实行文化取代,都可能会给民族发展带来灾难。内蒙古草原生态恶化成今天这个样子,与草原文化被农耕文化所挤压、侵蚀有着密切的关系。要保护草原生态,必须重新正确看待草原文化,继承和弘扬其中的精华。
Abstract:  According to the theory of cultural relativism, the existence of farming culture and nomadic culture is justified, which has no advanced or backward distinction. In the use of culture hegemonism and culture colonialism method to replace the different culture when we regardless of natural condition and historical tradition is likely to make a disaster to the development of our nation. Today, the deterioration of grasslands in Inner Mongolia is closely related to the grassland culture which erosioned and extruded by farming culture. Recorrecting the view of grassland culture, inheriting and carrying forward the essence of them, we can finally protect the ecology.
文章引用:罗树杰. 文化侵蚀与内蒙古草原生态的恶化——从文化相对主义的视角看内蒙古草原生态问题[J]. 现代人类学, 2013, 1(2): 10-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MA.2013.12003


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