Auto Stitching of Crapped Paper Based on Strips
摘要: 采用相似度匹配的方法,对凌乱次序的条状碎纸片进行拼接。根据每张条状碎纸图像的左、右边列处的信息,计算它与其他条状碎纸图像的左、右边列的相关性即向量余弦值,向量值越接近1,与其他图像左、右列越匹配,然后根据最大相关性的原则,将各个条状碎纸拼接在一起,得到的图像就是要恢复的原始文本信息。通过MALAB编程实现算法,并通过初步实例验证了算法的有效性。
Abstract: By using the method of similarity matching, strip scraps of paper in messy order are jointed. According to the information on the left and the right column of each strip of paper images, we can calculate vector cosine. When vector value is closer to 1, the matching degree of the left and right columns on other images is higher. Then according to the maximum correlation principle, each strip of paper is spliced together, and the original text information of the image is restored. Through the MALAB programming algorithm, the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified through preliminary examples.
文章引用:杭丹, 廖大庆, 蒋婷婷, 王娅. 基于条状碎纸片自动拼接[J]. 建模与仿真, 2013, 2(4): 38-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOS.2013.24007


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