The Dilemma and Challenge Chinese Employment Relation Management Facing——From the Historical and Comparative Perspective of HRM
摘要: 西方国家从传统人事管理向现代人力资源管理的转变经历了近一个世纪的漫长历程。对于处在工业化阶段的中国企业雇佣关系管理来说,外来的人力资源管理是超越经济社会发展阶段的管理模式;从西方雇佣关系管理的演进历程来看,中国的人力资源管理是空中楼阁,缺乏管理实践的基础。现阶段中国企业雇佣关系管理要处理好先进的理论与落后的管理实践的关系,做好基础管理工作;在引进HRM先进理论方法的同时,加快HRM中国化、本土化的进程,构建适合中国实际的雇佣关系管理模式。
Abstract: In western countries, the transformation from traditional PM to contemporary HRM underwent a long history about a century. For Chinese employment relations management at the industrial period, the foreign HRM is a model of transcending economically and socially developmental stage. According to the development of western employment management from PM to HRM, Chinese HRM is a castle in the air, lacking the foundation of management practice. At present, it is imperative for Chinese employment relations management to handle the relation between advanced theory and backward practice. While introducing advanced HRM theory and methods from developed countries, we must accelerate the HRM localization in China, build up the model of employment relations management appropriate to China.
文章引用:章海鸥. 中国雇佣关系管理面临的困境与挑战——从HRM历史与比较的视角[J]. 现代管理, 2013, 3(6): 153-159.


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