Siting and Sizing of Distributed Generation in Distribution Network Planning
摘要: 本文从降低配电网系统网损、提高电压稳定裕度及改善电压质量多个方面综合考虑,研究配电网规划中分布式电源(DG)的选址定容问题,建立了基于上述三个指标的优化规划模型。运用模糊集理论将量纲不同、相互冲突的多目标优化问题单目标化,通过最大化总体满意度来达到整体优化的效果。最后依据环境要求及年发电成本指导不同类型DG的经济配置。采用带惯性权重的粒子群算法求解,能有效提高算法的全局收敛能力。以一个算例仿真分析验证模型和算法的正确性与有效性。
Abstract: This paper analyses and studies the Distributed Generation (DG) siting and sizing in micro-grids from the view of reducing the distribution network loss, increasing the distribution network voltage stability margin and improving the distribution network voltage quality. A multi-objective programming model, which takes into account the above three indicators, is established. By using the fuzzy set theory, we transform the multi-objective optimization, which is conflicting and has different dimensions, to single-objective optimization. By maximizing the overall satisfaction, we can achieve overall optimization results. Finally, according to environmental requirements and annual energy costs, this paper guides the economic configuration of various types of DG. Adopting particle swarm optimization (PSO) with inertia weight can effectively improve the global convergence ability. This paper analyzes and verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed scheduling model and optimization algorithm with an example.
文章引用:陈昡姿, 赵向阳. 配电网规划中分布式电源的选址定容研究[J]. 智能电网, 2013, 3(6): 153-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2013.36028


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