The Literature Review of Contraceptive Self-Efficacy
摘要: 避孕自我效能是影响个体避孕行为的重要因素,大量研究显示,避孕自我效能水平越高,个体的避孕行为越积极。文章对避孕自我效能的研究现状进行综述,旨在展示避孕自我效能的研究热点,提高医务人员的认识,同时分析避孕自我效能的研究空白及不足,预测避孕自我效能的研究方向。
Abstract: Contraceptive self-efficacy is an important factor that affects individual contraceptive behavior. Many researchers indicated that the higher ones’ contraceptive self-efficacy is, the more positive ones’ contraceptive behaviour will be. This article reviewed the research status of contraceptive self-efficacy, aiming to show the research hotspots of contraceptive self-efficacy and increase the understanding of medical workers. In addition, the research blank and shortage at present and the future research orientation are discussed in this article.

文章引用:李新帝, 高玲玲, 柳晓君. 避孕自我效能的研究综述[J]. 护理学, 2014, 3(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NS.2014.31001


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