The Cross-Modal Affective Priming Effect of Music Priming Stimulus


Abstract:  Previous studies have proved that there exist cross-modal affective priming, but those still remain some flaws, such as short exposure time and ecological validity lacking in the selection of priming materials. This research firstly chose simple music clips lasting for a long time as priming stimulus, with 30 undergraduates as participants, to explore the issue further. The results were as follows: when the valence of priming music and the one of target stimulus were consistent, participants’ accuracy was significant higher than it when not, but there was no apparent difference in reaction time; when presenting a neutral noun target, participants were inclined to choose the valence that was consistent with the priming valence, and similarly, there existed no difference in reaction time when the valence of priming music differed. The research indicated that there existed unconscious cross-modal affective priming effect. This study provided important foundation for the expansion of the affective priming paradigm as well as the mental mechanism of affective priming effect.

文章引用:韩思竹, 江琦, 李新宇 (2014). 音乐启动刺激的跨通道情感启动效应. 心理学进展, 4(1), 70-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.41013


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