Heterogeneous High Self-Esteem and Narcissism Is Related to Aggression
摘要: 传统的低自尊引发攻击性的观点一直以来都受到多方面的质疑,众多研究者发现异质性高自尊和高自尊的极端形式——自恋才是高攻击性的根源。但是多角度出发探讨的异质性高自尊是否具有等同性,异质性高自尊和自恋在结构上是否存在重叠仍然值得商榷。文章对低自尊、异质性高自尊、自恋三者与攻击性的关系进行了梳理。
Abstract: Traditional viewpoint that low self-esteem leads to high aggression is subject to a myriad of questions, a plenty of literature demonstrates that high self-esteem and narcissism are the root causes of high aggression. This article focuses on the consistency and equivalence of structure between high self-esteem and narcissism. The relation of aggression and personality variables which include low self-esteem, heterogeneous high self-esteem and narcissism will be discussed.
文章引用:秦雪莲, 隋光远, 吴锴, 王长平, 刘聪 (2014). 异质性高自尊和自恋与攻击性的关系. 心理学进展, 4(1), 136-141. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.41022


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