Industrial Change and Labor Mobility in Taiwan: 1985-2005
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2014.32006, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,073  浏览: 8,545 
作者: 陈建州:高雄医学大学医学社会学与社会工作学系,高雄,台湾;刘 正:东海大学社会学系,台中市,台湾
关键词: 新结构论产业变迁劳动流动社会变迁调查New Structural Perspective Industrial Change Labor Mobility Social Change Survey
摘要: 台湾“经济奇迹”式的发展经验,主要特色是台湾劳动力优势的充份开发,劳力密集产业的高度发展;再经工业化的过程,使传统的劳力密集的产业型态,转变为资本密集与技术密集,更扩大了经济成长的效果;近年来则又呈现出服务业比例大增的状况。本研究利用台湾官方资料与“社会变迁调查”资料进行分析,以描绘出1985年、1995年与2005年,台湾产业变迁与劳动力流动模式的改变情形,并藉此检视双元经济理论与双元劳力市场理论的适用性。
Abstract: The “economic miracle” experience in Taiwan was mainly caused by the development of labor-in- tense industries. Followed by industrialization process, the traditional labor-intense industries were replaced by capital-intense and technology-intense industries. Recently, the number of workers has been increasing dramatically in service industries. Using Taiwan governmental sta-tistics and the Social Change Survey data, we investigate the relationship between industrial change and labor mobility and examine if the dual economy theory and the dual labor market theory are applicable in Taiwan.
文章引用:陈建州, 刘正. 台湾的产业变迁与劳动流动:1985~2005[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2014, 3(2): 32-43.


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