Design and Simulation of a Self-Adaptive Fuzzy PID Controller Based on the Vehicle’s Yaw Rate
摘要: 本文借助某款轿车的部分技术参数,设计一个基于汽车横摆角速度的模糊自适应PID控制器。首先建立汽车的理想二自由度参考模型,使其能比较真实的反映汽车的动力学特性。然后结合PID控制理论,以车辆转向行驶状态作为参考,设计PID控制器。进而应用Matlab/Simulink仿真软件,构建汽车横摆角速度PID控制的虚拟仿真平台,实现汽车横摆角速度PID控制器的虚拟仿真调试。
Abstract: Using some parameters of a vehicle, this paper studies a self-adaptive fuzzy PID controller based on the yaw rate. Firstly, 2-degree of freedom ideal vehicle model is created to react vehicle’s dynamic performance. Then, design the PID controller based on the vehicle’s steering condition using the theory of automatic control. Next, a simulation platform is set up using software Matlab/ Simulink which is applied to simulate the PID controller based on the yaw rate.
文章引用:成龙, 崔俊杰. 汽车横摆角速度模糊自适应PID控制器设计与仿真[J]. 建模与仿真, 2014, 3(3): 68-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOS.2014.33010