Commentary: Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Upper Digestive Tract in Science and Policy
摘要: 2004年,国家卫生部启动食管癌早诊早治示范基地建设,2009年在全国部分省区相继开展食管/贲门癌、胃癌等高危人群筛查及早诊早治项目,并从2012年,将食管/贲门癌组和胃癌组合并为上消化道癌组。目前,已经扩展至29个省区142个市县,每年有超过20多万高危人群进入筛查队列实施早期诊断和早期治疗。本文对《中国癌症筛查及早诊早治技术方案》(以下称方案)及其在河南现场实践进行简要总结,探索有科学依据和符合中国国情的技术方案和行动策略,以推动此项工作可持续健康地发展。
Abstract: Since 2004, State Ministry of Health has started demonstration bases of early diagnosis and treat- ment of esophageal cancer, and in 2009 carried out the esophagus/Cardia cancer and stomach cancer screening for high-risk groups, such as the early diagnosis and treatment project and from 2012, the esophageal/Cardia carcinoma and gastric cancer to be combined with upper digestive tract cancer group. At present, the project has been extended to 29 provinces and 142 counties; each year more than 20 million screening high-risk population receive early diagnosis and early treatment. This paper gives a brief summary of the “cancer screening and early diagnosis and early treatment of Chinese technology program” in Henan and its practice, and explores a scientific basis and technical scheme in accordance with the China conditions and action strategies to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the work.
文章引用:陆建邦. 述评:上消化道癌筛查及早诊早治的科学和策略[J]. 临床医学进展, 2014, 4(3): 35-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2014.43007


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