A Design of Electrochemical Protection for the Tower Based on Vibration-Power Generating of Lines
摘要: 目前,国内外针对输电线的微风振动普遍采用加装防震锤减震技术,但未能将输电线的震动能加以利用。同时,强腐蚀性环境中铁塔锈蚀严重,铁塔的使用寿命因此大打折扣。本设计针对以上问题,尝试利用磁电感应原理将输电线的微风振动能量转化为电能,用于塔脚的电化学防腐。通过辅助阳极、整流器等部件构建回路,使塔脚位于−0.85 V~−1.3 V的绝对负电位中,从而阻碍腐蚀性离子与铁塔的接触,达到防腐的效果。本装置不需要外部能源,安全可靠,是一种有很高推广价值的设计。
Abstract: At present, a kind of specially designed hammer is widely adopted for solving the problem of the breeze vibration of transmission line in the utility industry. However, it fails to make better use of the energy of vibration of the lines in the air. Meanwhile, in the corrosive environment where corrosion happens universally, the tower is damaged because of the serious corrosion and the service cycle is largely shortened, leading to more financial resources. In view of these above problems, according to the electromagnetic induction, this design tries realizing the conversion from vibration energy of lines to electric energy, which can be used to protect the feet of the tower on the basis of electrochemical protection principle. Auxiliary positive pole, commutator and other components are combined to establish the loop, and the feet of tower are in negative potential (about −0.85 V - −1.3 V), which can ensure the tower not to be corroded in the erosive atmosphere. This device does not need external energy and it is safe and reliable. So it is a kind of available design and worthy of being generalized.
文章引用:葛铭, 茅锦达, 张晨, 商一平, 卞嘉晨, 刘月明, 武文彬. 基于输电线振动发电的铁塔电化学防腐装置设计[J]. 输配电工程与技术, 2014, 3(3): 69-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TDET.2014.33010


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