The Consent of Adopted Child in Inter-Country Adoption—From the Perspective of 1993 “Hague Adoption Convention”
摘要: 1993年的《海牙儿童收养公约》作为跨国收养法律制度的重要里程碑,其生效至今己经跨过了21个年头,在解决跨国儿童收养问题上发挥着重要的作用。但是该公约在被收养儿童“同意”上的规定存在着一定的缺陷,本文从公约对被收养儿童“同意”的规定出发,分析公约现存的问题,并提出相关建议,主张增加作出“同意”的被收养儿童年龄、低龄儿童被收养后的救济、向被收养儿童尽告知义务的主体以及被收养儿童愿望和意见的具体考虑程序的规定,以最大程度地保护被收养儿童的利益。
Abstract: As an important landmark in inter-country adoption legal system, the 1993 Convention on Protec-tion of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption has been in force over 21 years, which plays an important role in solving the problems of inter-country adoption of child. However, the provisions of the convention are not adequate for the consent of adopted child. This paper, on the basis of these provisions, analyzes the existing problems and puts forward four sug-gestions. The suggestions are dedicated to ensure that inter-country adoptions are made in the best interests of the child, including adding the provision of the age for adopted child, the relief of younger adopted child, the obligated subject to notify adopted child, as well as the specific proce-dures to consider adopted child’s wishes and opinions.
文章引用:李英, 于迪. 论跨国收养中被收养儿童的“同意”—以1993年《海牙儿童收养公约》为视角[J]. 法学, 2014, 2(4): 19-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2014.24004