Design and Use of German Learning Website
摘要: 本文旨在以德语教学实践探讨改善和提升大学第二外语的整体教学质量之途径。研究目标是将网络科技与网站功能融入德语作为第二外语之教学:经由为此目标而建构之稳定且持续的德语教学课程网站,使之与课程需求相配合,在支持和扩展传统的课堂德语教学的同时,为学生提供一个兼备多媒体功能并且使用方便的自学平台,藉此激发和鼓励学生在德语学习上之主动性和自主性。研究结果显示:教学网站辅助之德语教学,在教学理念上提供了新视角和思考点,在教学方法和模式的探索与求新上显示出仍待探索的潜力,亦为第二外语教学环境的改善及教学效率的提升提供了仍待开拓的空间。
Abstract: The aim of this study is to integrate information and communication technology, particularly for learning German as a second foreign language at the university level. It deals with the application of a web-based multimedia learning platform in class and after class. This website is designed to compliment and support conventional classroom instruction. Its primary goal is to motivate stu-dents with a collection of interactive activities which will enhance their experience of learning a second foreign language. This research demonstrates how a web-based language instruction plat-form can provide new methodological and didactic approaches.
文章引用:林倩君. 探讨德语教学网站的构建与运用[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(4): 225-231. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.24027


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