Influence Factors Analysis of Household Income in Western Minority Areas
DOI: 10.12677/SA.2014.34023, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,753  浏览: 6,695 
作者: 程 勇, 刘梦琦:云南财经大学,统计与数学学院,昆明
关键词: 农民收入面板数据模型政策建议Household Income Panel Data Model Policy Suggestions
摘要: 近年来,随着经济的发展,农民生活水平的提高,学者们对农民收入影响因素的研究越来越多。本文在这些研究的基础上,基于西部少数民族地区农户的抽样调查数据和当地农民人均收入的实际情况,通过与简单OLS方法的对比分析,建立面板数据模型,对影响农户人均收入的影响因素进行了研究。最后基于实证分析的结果,提出增加西部少数民族地区农民收入的相关政策建议。
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of economy, and the improvement of living standards of farmers, researches on the factors of household income have been increasing. In this paper, on the basis of those studies, using the data sampling from the farmer in the minority areas of west China, and the per capita income of local farmers, we propose a panel data model to study the factors in-fluencing household income by comparing analysis with the simple OLS. At last, we put forward some relevant policy suggestions to improve the household income in the minority areas of west China based on the results of empirical analysis.
文章引用:程勇, 刘梦琦. 西部民族地区农民收入的影响因素分析[J]. 统计学与应用, 2014, 3(4): 167-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SA.2014.34023


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