Water Allocation Optimization Model Studies of Handan City Water Ecological Network Construction
摘要: 面对日益凸显的缺水局面和生态环境恶化,邯郸市政府开发建设了邯郸生态水网工程,通过区域性调水,改善了区域严重缺水的现状。面对多种水源的调水选择,采用经济效益、社会效益和环境效益三大目标函数建立了水源优化配制模型。并对传统 “环境效益”函数进行了改进,凸显了“水质质量”指标在选取调水水源中的作用,这一改进对区域水环境修复起到至关重要的作用。
Abstract: Faced with growing water shortages and deteriorating ecological environment, Handan municipal gov-ernment constructed ecological water network project and improved situation of severe water shortage through the regional water transfer. Confront with a variety of water diversion options, a water optimiza-tion model formulation was established by using economic, social and environmental benefits of the three objective functions. And the traditional “environmental benefits” function has been improved, emphasized the role of the “Water Quality” target in the selection of water diversion, which played a crucial role in environmental remediation.
文章引用:胡新锁, 邢威洲, 王玉梅. 邯郸市生态水网建设水源优化配置模型研究[J]. 水资源研究, 2015, 4(2): 181-192. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2015.42022


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