Exploration and Practice of Improving the Production Practice Quality of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Major
摘要: 如何提高机械设计制造及其自动化专业生产实习的质量和效果,一直是我们思考的问题。在多年指导生产实习的过程中,针对所出现的一些新问题和新情况,总结出了一些切实可行的措施,并逐步实施,保证了生产实习的顺利进行,有效地保证和提高了生产实习的质量和效果。
Abstract: How to improve the mechanical engineering and automation professional production practice quality and effect is the problem that we have been thinking about for many years. In the years of production practice guidance, I summarized some practical measures for the emergence of some new problems and new situations, and implemented them progressively, which ensured the pro-duction practice going on smoothly, and effectively ensured and improved the quality and effect of production practice.
文章引用:常城. 提高机械设计制造专业生产实习质量的探索与实践[J]. 职业教育, 2015, 4(3): 31-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2015.43007


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