Technical Regulations of the Scale Production for Seed Roots of Sweetpotato
摘要: 针对我国甘薯传统良种繁育体系功能弱化,品种混杂、老化和退化严重,种薯价格高、质量差,良种推广速度慢等问题,在多年实践与理论研究相结合的基础上,提出了黄淮薯区甘薯种薯规模化生产技术规程,包括引种、薯苗高倍快速繁育、繁种田制种、种薯收获及安全贮存等,可使种薯规模化生产的繁殖系数提高到1000倍以上,有利于保证种薯质量,降低种薯生产成本,延长良种使用年限。
Abstract: In the traditional seed propagation system of sweetpotato in China, some problems occurred, such as serious ageing and degeneration, high prices and poor quality of seeds, and the slower rates of seed marketing. In view of the problems above, the technical regulations of the scale production for sweetpotato seed storage root in HuangHuaiHai sweetpotato planting region were proposed according to the basis of the experiments for years in this paper. The regulation includes cultivar introduction, high-speed multiplying of sweetpotato seedling, seed root reproduction, seed root harvest and safe storage. Through the regulation, the propagation coefficient of seed sweetpotato root could be increased to more than 1000 times, which could be beneficial to improve the quality, decrease the cost of production and extend usage life of seed root of sweetpotato.
文章引用:王庆美, 李爱贤, 侯夫云, 董顺旭, 张海燕, 解备涛, 段文学. 甘薯种薯规模化生产技术规程[J]. 农业科学, 2015, 5(4): 157-162. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2015.54023


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