Quantitative Study of Lunisolar Precession Mechanism
摘要: 根据宋晓东等的地球内核差异旋转研究成果,提出“月球轨道运动改变地球各圈层角动量”的物理模型。月球轨道运动使地核远月半球的角动量与近月半球的角动量产生巨大落差。在形成地球内核的差异旋转的同时也使地核远月半球自转角速度增速和近月半球自转角速度的减速。由于地球外核的液态特性,使地球各圈层产生差异旋转的天文地球动力学效应。发现当月球椭圆轨道运动进入近日、近地附近,月相为上下弦(即半通径位)时,月球的真近点角会由f = 270˚回(或前进)到f = 90˚,造成了地幔壳的西移,并形成日月岁差、春分点西退及钱德勒极移。
Abstract: According to Xiaodong Song et al.’s study about difference rotation in the Earth’s inner core, a physical model of lunar motion changing the angular momentum of the Earth’s circles is presented in this work. The Lunar motion makes there be a huge gap existing in the core angular momentum between far lunar hemisphere and near lunar hemisphere. The gap results in the difference rotation in the Earth’s inner core, meanwhile, it increases the angular velocity of far lunar hemisphere and decreases the angular velocity of near lunar hemisphere. The Earth’s liquid outer core generates an astro-geodynamical effect including the difference rotation among the Earth’s circles. It is found that when the moon moves into the apogee or the perigee of the lunar orbit, and the moon phase is the upper and lower chords (i.e. semi-diameter place), the true anomaly of the moon will change from 270-degree back (or forward) to 90-degree; this results in the mantle shell of the Earth westward, and forms lunisolar precession, the vernal equinox westward and Chandler polar motion.
文章引用:伍岳明, 曹明富. 形成日月岁差机制的定量研究[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2015, 5(5): 371-378. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2015.55037


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