Intergroup Threat and the Effect to Group Prejudice
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.511079, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,659  浏览: 9,379  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 李 郴, 杨 爽, 吴 奇:湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理系,认知与人类行为湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙
关键词: 群际威胁群体偏见现实威胁整合的群际威胁模型Intergroup Threat Group Prejudice Realistic Threat Integrated Intergroup Threat Model
摘要: 群际威胁是指在社会群体生活中,某一群体拥有的资源、观念及价值观等特征对另一群体的生存安全与发展福祉等带来的威胁。群际威胁的存在使得个体容易对可能给内群体及其成员带来威胁的外群体产生消极的态度,即群体偏见。这是一种适应性的心理机制。研究者将群际威胁分为三大类,即现实威胁、文化威胁及认同威胁。目前的文献集中于研究现实威胁与群体偏见的关系,并试图从单一的模型发展为从整合角度提出的整合的群际威胁模型。未来的研究应加大对群际威胁模型的探讨;在研究方法上,应采用更多的实验研究;研究内容方面,目前研究者主要考察个体对外群体的态度,对内群体态度方面还需要进行更多的丰富与补充。
Abstract: Intergroup threat refers to the threat of resources, ideas, values and other characteristics that a group owns to the other group’s survival, security, development and happiness in social life. The presence of intergroup threat makes it easier for individuals to have a negative attitude to the out-group who may bring threat to themselves as well as their in-group, and it is called group prejudice. This is an adaptive psychological mechanism. Intergroup threat is divided into three categories: realistic threat, cultural threat and identity threat. The current literature focuses on the study of the relationship between realistic threat and group prejudice. Research on the model of intergroup threat has progressed from a single model to an integrated intergroup threat model proposed from a perspective of integration. The future research should increase the discussion on the model of intergroup threat. About research methods, more experimental studies should be used. Currently, researchers mainly investigate individuals’ attitude to out-group, but the attitude to their own group should get more attention too.
文章引用:李郴, 杨爽, 吴奇 (2015). 群际威胁及其对群体偏见的影响. 心理学进展, 5(11), 609-619. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.511079


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