Cold Fusion Reactors
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2016.11004, PDF, 下载: 2,598  浏览: 7,633 
作者: 黄振强*:中化地质矿山总局福建化工地质勘查院,福州
关键词: 核力约束惯性制导冷核直接对撞冷核聚变堆nuclear forceconstraint inertialcold nuclear collidecold nuclear fusion reactor
摘要: 冷核聚变堆论文是《核力约束惯性制导冷核直接对撞聚变堆和离子调速直流变压器》发明专利的内容。本发明特征是:在常温真空条件下,设置空间特定组合的电磁场,根据轻原子核固有的磁矩和内电场,先将两串待聚变的原子核约束在同一条线段(轨道)内。再利用原子核固有的自旋动量矩矢量形成近光速自旋的超强力自转陀螺惯性制导特性,来克服库仑强势垒的偏向排斥作用,实现直接对撞核聚变的。应用相似的核力约束惯性制导方式,对不同速度和能量的离子束进行混合调速,研制成的离子调速直流变压器,是冷核聚变堆、核发动机和该类核电站启动核聚变和电能输送系统的重要配套设备。该发明有望在3~5年内就能一劳永逸地彻底解决全人类面临能源和环保的头号科学技术难题。并可作为飞机和宇宙飞船的动力。将全人类目前所处于地球摇篮科学文明时代,一举推进到宇宙时代的科学文明。其经济效益、社会效益和环保价值都是无限量的。
Abstract: Cold nuclear fusion reactor paper is the nuclear force constraint inertial cold ions collide fusion and adjustable speed dc transformer, the content of the invention patent. The present invention is characterized by: under the condition of normal temperature vacuum, set the specific combination of space electromagnetic field, according to the electric field inside the light nuclei inherent magnetic moment and, will spend a fusion of two nuclei constraints on the same line (orbit). Reuse the nucleus inherent nearly the speed of light spin angular momentum vector form the super rotation of gyro inertial guidance feature, to overcome the bias of the coulomb strength base rejection, collide fusion. Apply similar nuclear force constraint inertial guidance method, ion beam mixing speed of different speed and energy, to develop into the ion speed dc transformer, is cold nuclear fusion reactor, the nuclear power plant and nuclear engine start fusion and important corollary equipment of power system. The invention is expected to be in 3 ~ 5 years can once and for all mankind completely solve energy and environmental protection the number one problem of science and technology. And can be used as aircraft and spacecraft dynamics. Will all human beings are now in the age of the earth science civilization cradle, advancing to science in the age of the universe civilization. Its economic benefit, social benefit and environmental value is unlimited.
文章引用:黄振强. 冷核聚变堆[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2016, 1(1): 1-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2016.11004
