Significant Up-Regulated Effect of Positive Emotion Regulation
摘要: 情绪调节指的是个体对情绪的发生、体验与表达进行调控的能力和过程。良好的情绪调节能力有利于个体保持愉快的心境、改善不利的心境。现有的情绪调节研究大多都局限于负性情绪调节,而正性情绪调节的研究一直很少,当前研究综合行为和电生理方法,对被试在进行正性情绪认知重评调节时的唤醒度和颧肌肌电(zygomatic electromyography,简称zEMG)进行分析。结果发现两个实验中当进行正性情绪上调调节时,唤醒度和肌电指标相比维持调节时都有显著的增强,而下调与维持时肌电差异不显著。两个实验结果一致的证明正性情绪上调效应显著,而下调效应不显著。这表明相对于抑制正性情绪,人们可能更习惯和倾向于增强自身的正性情绪。
Abstract: Emotion regulation refers to the ability and the process that individual adjusts and controls the occurrence, experience and expression of emotion. Good emotion regulation ability is beneficial for individuals to keep pleasant mood and improve the bad one. Although there are many studies investigating emotion regulation, they are mostly about negative emotion regulation, and few are known about the study of positive emotion regulation. In the current study, we use behavioral and electrophysiology measure of arousal rating and zygomatic electromyography (zEMG) to index the variation of positive emotion regulation. We collect arousal rating in each trial after participants regulate their emotion in Experiment 1 and the activity of zEMG in Experiment 2 in which the par-ticipants regulate their emotions induced by International Affective Picture System pictures. The results indicate that up-regulated effect of positive emotion regulation is significant, but down- regulated effect is not. This suggests that people may be desirable and habitual to increase their positive emotion rather than inhibit it.
文章引用:李峰华 (2016). 显著的正性情绪调节上调效应. 心理学进展, 6(2), 195-203. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.62024


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