The Responsibility of Government Pension Security System for Landless Peasants
摘要: 随着我国经济的发展,城镇化也不断推进,农村土地大量地被征用,失地农民随之增加。他们面临着各种生活挑战,其中养老保障问题尤为突出,需要政府为解决他们的养老问题承担相应的责任。而我国政府目前在政策法律制定方面,存在对失地农民的养老保障制度制定的缺失或者不合理,在监督管理方面,存在养老安置方式过于单一,地方政府对征地补偿金的滥用,绩效考核机制不合理的现象,在财政保障方面,政府资金投入少且监管存在问题。所以政府应该坚持在与经济发展水平相适应、责任分担等原则的指导下,加快失地农民养老保障制度建设,完善监督管理和考核机制,并且做好确保资金投入和运营管理的保障工作,并且根据实际情况,引入商业保险加以辅助。只有这样,失地农民养老权益才能真正得到贯彻。
Abstract: With the development of our national economy and the advancing of urbanization, a lot of rural land is expropriated, so the number of landless peasants is increasing. They face all kinds of life challenges, in which the old-age security problem is particular, needing the government to assume corresponding responsibility for them in their old age. While in the policy aspect, our government is missing in making old-age security system or the current system is unreasonable. In the super-vision, pension resettlement way is too simplex, local government abuses the compensation of land expropriation, and performance evaluation mechanism is unreasonable. In the financial security, government invests little money and has regulatory problems. So the government should persist the principle of adapting to the level of economic development and sharing responsibility, speed up the building of the landless peasants old-age security system, perfect the management and supervision, and ensure the security work of capital investment, operation and management. According to the actual situation, government should introduce commercial insurance to assist. Only in this way, the pension rights and interests of landless peasant can really be carried out.
文章引用:王茹. 失地农民养老保障制度中的政府责任研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(1): 178-184. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2016.51026


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