Study the Dynamic Change Monitoring of Urban Buildings
摘要: 文章利用航空倾斜摄影测量技术和机载LIDAR技术对昆明城区建筑物进行动态监测。通过城市建筑物变化动态监测,全面掌握城市建筑物的规划实施情况,将变化量与城市规划比对,辅助城市管理等部门及时发现并依法查处各类违法建筑物,同时为处理城市灾害和紧急情况提供高质量的直观的空间信息支持,为政府宏观决策和依法行政提供科学依据。
Abstract: The article monitors urban buildings in Kunming dynamically by using the oblique photogram-metric technology and LIDAR technology, which can know about the planning and implementation of urban buildings comprehensively, compare variations with urban planning, assist urban man-agement departments to discover timely and punish various illegal buildings in accordance with the law. Meanwhile, it provides high-quality and visualized spatial informational support for dis-posing urban disaster and emergency cases, scientific basis for the government macroscopic policy decisions and administration based on law.
文章引用:吴俐民, 包银丽, 赵雷, 袁翔东. 城市建筑物动态变化监测研究[J]. 测绘科学技术, 2016, 4(2): 37-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GST.2016.42005


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