The Influence Factor of Scientific and Technological Innovation—Taking an Example of the Number of Patent Applications
摘要: 对于一国科技创新能力的考量,大部分的研究者采用了发明、实用新型专利申请数量为评价指标,这一指标对科技创新能力的判断量化、可视化。本文就以发明、实用新型专利国际标准分类申请量为被解释变量,研究实验发展经费支出、研究发展人员数量以及图书出版情况这三个变量为解释变量,运用来源于国家统计局1995年至2014年的统计数据,利用最小二乘原理建立模型,分析了模型反映出的潜在问题,并给出了一些促进专利申请数量和提高科技创新能力可行性建议,例如应当继续加大科研经费的投入,逐步提高科研经费利用率,尽快调整高等教育下的人才培养制度,完善科研人员的绩效考核制度等。
Abstract: Most researchers take the number of invention patent applications which accord with the international standard as a measurement to value the ability of science and technology innovation for a country, which visualizes the abstract definition into a measurable one. This paper, using the least squares principle, adopts the number of applications of invention and utility patents according to international standard classification (1995 to 2014 years), research and development spending, the quantity of research and development people at that time, and book publishing data to build an econometric analysis of relationship between the data. And the model is set up to find out the possible problems of the social reality, and to provide possible solutions to such problems. We should increase investment in scientific research funds, enhance the investment’s coefficient of utilization, adjust the personnel training system and change the performance appraisal system of scientific research personnel.
文章引用:安小桐, 蓝裕平. 科技创新之影响因素分析——以专利申请数量为例[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2016, 6(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2016.61001


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