Relationship between Empathy and Aggression
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.66085, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,628  浏览: 8,271  科研立项经费支持
作者: 宋 平:中国刑事警察学院刑事犯罪侦查系,辽宁 沈阳;张乐雅:中国政法大学刑事司法学院,北京;杨 波:中国政法大学社会学院,北京
关键词: 认知共情情感共情综合情绪系统综合认知模型精神病态罪犯矫治Cognitive Empathy Emotional Empathy Integrated Emotion Systems Integrated Cognitive Model Psychopathy Offender Correction
摘要: 共情在个体社会性发展中起重要作用。共情与攻击的关系会受诸多变量的影响,如年龄、性别、性取向和挑衅等。关于精神病态的整合情感系统理论和阐释攻击的综合认知模型有利于认识共情与攻击的关系。前额叶和杏仁核的功能缺陷或两者之间的功能连接问题可能导致个体出现低共情和高攻击行为。未来研究需要探究不同类型品行障碍青少年的共情特点及其神经生理机制,共情与网络攻击的关系需要关注。在罪犯矫治过程中需要根据不同类型罪犯的共情特点进行有针对性的共情训练,以最大限度地减少其犯罪的再发生。
Abstract: Empathy plays a vital role in the social development. The inhibitory role of empathy on aggression was modulated by some factors, including age, gender, sex orientation and provocation et al. The in-tegrated emotion system of psychopath and integrated cognitive model of aggression, to some extent, explained the mechanism underlying the relationship between empathy and aggression. Future study should explore the neural mechanism of empathy in conduct disorder, and the relationship between empathy and cyber aggression. In the psychotherapy of offenders, the psychopathy and sex offender should be trained in empathy in order to minimize the possibility of reoffending.
文章引用:宋平, 张乐雅, 杨波 (2016). 共情与攻击的关系. 心理学进展, 6(6), 653-663. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.66085


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