The Study on Coordination to Dynamic Synergies of Development of Shanghai Intermediary Services and Market Institution
摘要: 经济全球化与信息化不断深化背景下,我国区域产业组织结构调整及其分布格局的发展中,政府制度主导与市场规制深化的互动趋势不断增强。区域产业体系发展中尤其是现代服务业产业组织的发展,关涉到政府社会管理中的制度(体制性)转型与市场规制优化的动力协同性。探讨上海现代服务产业组织发展 与市场制度规制化及经济增长动力协同性的特点,对于其他产业组织发展的影响具有积极意义。
Abstract: During the deepening of economic globalization and information, with the China’s regional indus-trial structure adjustment and its distribution pattern of development, the government guiding system to interact with the deepening of the market regulation trend has been enhanced. The de-velopment of the regional industry system, especially the development of industrial organization in modern service industry, relates to the collaborative dynamics with the government social management system by institutional transformation and market regulation to do well anymore. To discuss the characteristics about the dynamic collaborative to market system regulation and economic growth, and Shanghai modern service industry organization development, has key sig-nificance to influence on the development related to other industrial organizations.
文章引用:侯德贤. 上海现代服务业产业组织发展与市场体制规制化及经济增长动力协同性探析[J]. 世界经济探索, 2016, 5(2): 29-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WER.2016.52005


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