Correlation between Unexplained Neuralgia and Herpes Zoster
摘要: 本文提出带状疱疹前神经痛一词和治疗这种神经痛的建议。指出带状疱疹前和后的这两种神经痛之间存在本质区别。带状疱疹发展过程可分成3个阶段。提出在潜伏的水痘–带状疱疹病毒不时活动引起神经痛阶段,给药,清除病毒,遏止带状疱疹发生或降低带状疱疹和带状疱疹后神经痛发生率的一种方案。存在水痘–带状疱疹病毒激活未遂过程和激活发病过程。
Abstract: The term “neuralgia before herpes zoster” and a proposal of the treatment of the neuralgia are proposed. It is pointed out that there is an essential difference between the neuralgia before and after herpes zoster. The development process of herpes zoster can be divided into 3 stages. A scheme to prevent the occurrence of herpes zoster or to reduce the incidence rate of herpes zoster and neuralgia after herpes zoster is proposed. In an initial activity stage of latent vericella-zoster viruses causing neuralgia, medication is given to suppress viruses. There are an attempted pro- cess of varicella-zoster-virus activation and a morbidity process of varicella-zoster virus activation.
文章引用:郭福祥. 不明原因神经痛与带状疱疹相关联[J]. 临床医学进展, 2016, 6(3): 118-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2016.63021